Monday, January 30, 2012

Foodie Killed the Radio Star?

Is food the new music?

The energy devoted to food and music is shifting. Music can be got free, freeing up disposable income to be spent on food. But wait, they are two very unique passions, and it is not enough to shovel out the records and carry in the crates of thinly sliced charcuterie and cheese. Or is it?

Over the last couple of years I attempted to fuse the two (food & music) in a blogging project called Some Quality. A primary motivation was my belief that both food and music writing is fairly tedious stylistically. The point is almost always to simply communicate information, and the average reader is reading for facts, not for quality. Reading a review of a great song or meal pushes the reader to go out and experience it. Unfortunately, this means that the information could be conveyed just as well via a tweet or a list with nothing but the name, source, location etc.

Some Quality was a fairly obscure project, and lo and behold, I have moved on to a foodcentric blog. The goal of the Food Drama is not to convince you, dear reader, of my personal opinions, but instead to make suggestions about things you can do.

If food is the new music, then we all have recently become laptop DJs. Our dancehall is the kitchen and our songs the ingredients. Sometimes it is fun to dance to seamless transitions or create mash ups. Sometimes it is fun to sample something you just heard for the first time. I am writing here to offer ideas on how to increase the Food Drama in your life.

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