Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pork: Where Friends and Bugs Meat

Washing hands won't cut it anymore.
In this lengthy article: The rise of Meat-bred super bugs, Martha Rosenberg of Alternet details the current state of the meat/bacteria union.

The gist is that a few weeks ago "researchers found 230 out of 395 pork cuts bought in U.S. stores were contaminated with a super bug called MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)".  Being that this is a kid friendly blog, I will not be posting the pictures of my friend Alec's leg in the midst of a battle with MRSA. I will say that this is my primary personal reason for avoiding factory meat. Some folks are grossed out by flesh, some by bones, some by poor conditions of animals. I find the idea of eating bacteria, antibiotics, and medically resistant antibiotics to be totally nasty. 

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