Sunday, March 11, 2012

Burrito Ends 3 Ways

Food Drama - Burrito End Investigation from wiley rogers on Vimeo.

An investigation into the properties and propensities of burritos. Thank you Wiley!

Carnitas en su jugo
2-3 lbs pork shoulder/butt

Slow cook or braise until fork tender in
half pork/chicken stock
half mexican beer
chipotle peppers
bay leaf

Allow pork cool in juice (optional)
Scrape off the fat and put it in a hot pan with more lard if needed
Pull apart the meat and then fry until brown and crispy
Place juice in sauce pan and reduce, adding sweet or sour elements to taste (molasses, honey, lime)
Return fried pork to juice to soak for a few minutes before eating
Use juice liberally to soften flour tortilla

***Stay tuned for the final word on how to make a burrito 'all end'.

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