Monday, January 23, 2012

Kentucky Fried Waffle Tacos: Birthday Party!

Clark and Mose helped fry by standing around and got first dibs
Andy's annual insane food birthday party took place on MLK weekend. Thank you Dr. King for everything you did, and now for one more thing: nothing like a brunch on a Sunday where you don't have to go work on the Monday. And thank you to Andy's sister Laura for the HQ photos. And, Happy Birthday Andy.

Captain Fryer
Ian was in charge of the chicken frying, which took place outside of the house. No one was burned, and no structure fires ignited. Clark brought the waffle maker. Once everything was underway I combined these two often paired foods into the following:

The Waffle Taco
The waffle taco involves half of a waffle folded around a deepfried drumstick, topped with fruit, jam, maple syrup, and caramel. Yes you have to eat around the bone - just like when you eat fried chicken on the bone. And yes, I have trademarked Waffle Taco (C) and purchased See you on the mean streets of Uptown and Old Oakland.
Jono and the Waffle Taco with an (in)side of pie
After consuming three waffle tacos I was caught unawares and one upped by Jono with his apple pie-in-a-waffle taco. Rather than hang my head in shame I threw a piece of fried chicken on top of his taco and we called it a collaboration.

Necessary ingredients:
Waffle maker
Deep frier/big pot with removable frying insert/deep pot and a slotted spoon
Fire extinguisher (if frying indoors)
Traditional waffle toppings

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